About Me

My photo
gingoog city, region 10, Philippines
JAPRECA is a name of 4 persons...it stands for ariane Jao, kristine Ajero, chloue Prescillas, and gricel Canillas.. we're education students studying at Christ the King college and we're proud to said that we're CKCIANS! I'm Chloue B. Prescillas and I'm one of the members of JaPreCa... I'm fun collecting bags mostly shoulder bags..:)iM fun also texting (everyone those!), listening to music (like metal, rock, pop rock, accoustic ,punk rock, regea, sometimes love songs...), eating, watching televisions and sleeping...sometimes i do read books...lolx

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Example of Gagne

In the class the teacher will going to use the "Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction" because you can easily teach them the lesson.

1. Gain attention
2. Inform learners of objectives
3. Stimulate recall of prior learning
4. Present the content
5. Provide "learning guidance"
6. Elicit performance (practice)
7.  Provide feedback
8. Assess performance
9. Enhance retention and transfer to the job
                                                                                                  - Kristine F. Ajero -

Monday, August 30, 2010

Example of Bandura ( Social Learning Theory )

 A teacher demonstrating a nursery rhymes to her pupils with action. Then after the class at their house, the pupils still keep on doing the nursery rhymes and showing it to their parents.
        - Kristine Ajero -

Example of Tolman ( Purposive Behaviorism Theory )

              A student studying for a examination because his purpose is to have higher grade and to be honor student in their class.Then her parents will give him gift if he pass the exam and be a honor student in the class.
          - Kristine F. Ajero -

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


My vitality once full of obscure
You knock once, twice, trice in my heart
But I failed to let you in.
Your always yclept my name,
but I neglect you!
Your always by my side,
you hoist me up
everytime I feel down.

I'm one of the people who nailed you in the cross
I failed to comply my covenant
I made in front of you.
But still your always hear me out,
And you still love me with all your 

I don't know what to do 
If I don't have you
I always asked you "why? why me?"
everytime i felt ruth and alone!
in my tribulation moment of my life
I thought you distil me along the way
But your there carrying me,
when my destination is 
Your more than enough

I was given a chance 
To walk and talk with you in the garden
we settle for a while
And you asked me in this question....
"what do you want me to do?"
I was in taciturnity for a minute.

And i answered...
"what a shallow question, Father!"
  I kept my silly look
but you look at me in a solemn way.

then materialization frolicsome in my mind!
and i said...
"i want to have everything that i don't have right now!"
but you restrain your eyes in me without any words.

when i looked up
it was then realization crossed my mind
that i don't need material things
then i kneeled down before you
"Father, sorry for the answer I've given unto you, now i realized that material things are not relevant ,
just having you in my life is more that enough, Lord!"

i shout for remedy when I'm in molestation 
and you stood by my side ready to up heave me up.
one lie is enough to break a trust.
one second is enough to lose a battle.
but one God is more that enough.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

               Example of Skinner ( Operant Conditioning )
In the classroom you are having a activity to your student  so you must give them instruction on what they should do. Then if they not follow you, you should give them the negative reinforcement or positive reinforcement. That if they follow your instructor they will get higher grade for that activity.
-    Kristine Ajero -