About Me

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gingoog city, region 10, Philippines
JAPRECA is a name of 4 persons...it stands for ariane Jao, kristine Ajero, chloue Prescillas, and gricel Canillas.. we're education students studying at Christ the King college and we're proud to said that we're CKCIANS! I'm Chloue B. Prescillas and I'm one of the members of JaPreCa... I'm fun collecting bags mostly shoulder bags..:)iM fun also texting (everyone those!), listening to music (like metal, rock, pop rock, accoustic ,punk rock, regea, sometimes love songs...), eating, watching televisions and sleeping...sometimes i do read books...lolx

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

1.what is your insight in this subject?
my insight on this subject educ 2 is all about exploring to the people before specially to the psychologist.and i learn them so much,and maybe by observing to the class in other year level,high school and in elementary, and it feel me alive because i felt nervous when i observe.

2.how do you feel about blogging approach?
it feels me exiting and little afraid because this is my first time in blog.and it's killing me softly because i really don't know how to used it and how to do it.and thanks god kristine teach me how to do it.and now that i know,i love now dong it.

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